Graduate Study in Public Policy

Graduate Certificate in Public Policy

The School of Public Policy offers a certificate in public policy to PhD students from other Schools around campus. The goal of the certificate program is to provide a basic but well-rounded introduction to public policy thinking to Georgia Tech graduate students. The program is designed to address the needs of scientists, engineers, management scholars and others who seek to be more aware of policy, regulatory, ethical, and societal implications of science, technology and innovation. The program will provide breadth and context for those entering employment in any sector. The courses in the program explore the processes through which policy is made.

Although this certificate is not available to policy students, the courses are open to all graduate students, creating an opportunity for students to gain value from divergent perspectives. Students who complete this certificate are eligible to participate in the School's PRIME international graduate student exchange program.


Graduate students from all programs may take the courses offered as part of this certificate. The certificate will be awarded by the School of Public Policy to any non-public policy graduate student who successfully complete the program requirements and earns a graduate degree from one of Georgia Tech's degree granting academic units. The requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Public Policy will typically satisfy the minor requirements for the Georgia Tech PhD degree.

Please contact Diana Hicks at with any questions.

Certificate Requirements

Students are required to earn at least a B in every course that counts toward the certificate. The credit requirements for the Certificate in Public Policy are 12 credit hours.

Required course
PUBP 6012Fundamentals of Policy Processes3
or PUBP 6201 Public Policy Analysis
Electives 19
Total Credit Hours12

Three electives are required for the certificate. These electives can be chosen from the list below or from graduate-level special topics offered by the public policy faculty with the agreement of the certificate advisor. The electives are organized by broad area of interest to guide students in choosing electives that best suits their interests. Students are not required to choose all electives from the same grouping.

Analytical Methods

PUBP 6112Research Design in Policy Science3
PUBP 6114Applied Policy Methods and Data Analysis3

Economic Development

PUBP 6602Economic Development Analysis and Practice3
PUBP 6606Urban Development Policy3
PUBP 6415Technology, Regions, and Policy3
PUBP 6600Foundations of Local Economic Development Planning and Policy3
PUBP 6740Innovation, the State and Industrial Development in International Perspecitve3
PUBP 6741Geography of Innovation3

Economics for Public Policy

PUBP 6116Microeconomics for Policy Analysis3
PUBP 6118Public Finance Policy3

Ethics and Values

PUBP 6010Ethics, Epistemology, and Public Policy3
PUBP 6326Environmental Values and Policy Goals3

Environmental & Energy Policy

PUBP 6310Environmental Issues3
PUBP 6312Economics of Environmental Policy3
PUBP 6314Policy Tools for Environmental Management3
PUBP 6326Environmental Values and Policy Goals3
PUBP 6327Sustainability and Environmental Policy3
PUBP 6701Energy Technology Policy3

Information Technology

PUBP 6111Internet and Public Policy3
PUBP 6501Information Policy and Management3
PUBP 6502Information and Communications Technology Policy3

Public Administration

PUBP 6014Organization Theory3
PUBP 6017Public Management3
PUBP 6018Policy Implementation and Administration3
PUBP 6226Business and Government3

Science and Technology Policy

PUBP 6401Science, Technology, and Public Policy3
PUBP 6402Research Policy and Management3
PUBP 6403Scientific Careers and Workplaces3
PUBP 6417Critical Perspectives on Science and Technology3
PUBP 6440Science, Technology, and Regulation3
PUBP 6753Comparative Science and Technology Policy3
PUBP 8803Special Topics 13

PUBP 8803 in public policy. See Oscar catalog for offerings in upcoming semesters. Selection of other courses requires approval of the instructor and the certificate advisor.

Graduate Certificate in Science, Technology and Society

The Science, Technology and Society Graduate Certificate is designed for students already enrolled in a graduate degree program at Georgia Tech. This certificate is for graduate students who would like to demonstrate additional competence in some aspect of STS or special competence in STS in their home discipline. The certificate is open to students in good standing in any graduate program at Georgia Tech.

The 12-credit hour certificate program helps students to:

  • Understand the social, cultural, and epistemic dynamics of science and technology
  • Explore these dynamics across world societies and cultures
  • Develop sensitivity to issues of gender, race, and justice across areas of knowledge, including: engineering, medicine, environment, cognition, security, innovation, design
  • Employ STS approaches as scholars or practitioners (e.g. engineers, scientists, or policy makers)

Program of Study

4 Courses Total

Core Course
HTS/PUBP/LMC 6743Science, Technology & Soceity: Core Seminar3
Select one of the following:3
Science, Technology and the Economy
Science, Technology, and National Security
Social and Cultural Studies of Biomedicine
Science and Technology Beyond Borders
Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Philosophy of Design
Feminist Theory and STS
Elective 13
Total Credit Hours9

Select up to one other elective, subject to student interest and STS Coordinator approval. Many appropriate courses are offered across the Ivan Allen College and the Institute, for example: CS 8893.