Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

In the doctoral program at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, students are engaged primarily in original, independent research that culminates in the doctoral dissertation. In this School, students can specialize in atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, and clouds; dynamics of weather and climate; geochemistry; geophysics; oceanography; paleoclimate; planetary science; and remote sensing . With approval of the School's faculty, multidisciplinary programs of study are also permitted. In each area of specialization, doctoral students are required to complete a faculty-approved set of core courses and a comprehensive examination. Students are also required to complete nine credit hours of coursework in an academic minor.

All PhD programs must incorporate a standard set of Requirements for the Doctoral Degree.

Core Courses 115
EAS 6000-level or above
Minor 2,3,,49
EAS Academic Breadth 5
EAS Professional Preparation
EAS 6000Intro Research & Ethics1
Comprehensive Exam 6
Minimum Deliverables
  • One oral and one poster presentation or two oral presentations of the student's graduate work.
  • One first author publication with at least one round of reviews received and not rejected
  • A second first author publication submitted
  • PhD Dissertation and defense

Seminar classes, special problems courses, and thesis hours cannot be counted towards this total. Special topics courses may be credited to this total with approval of the Graduate Coordinator


Minor courses can consist of courses from more than one School, including EAS, as long as the courses are not related to the student research area


Incoming Ph.D. students with prior graduate training may apply previously earned graduate credit hours toward the minor requirement.


The student plan for satisfying the minor requirement must be approved by the EAS Graduate Coordinator prior to completion of the comprehensive examination


The student selects one of the three possibilities offered with approval from the EAS Graduate Coordinator


The student takes the comprehensive exam either during the Spring of the second year or the Fall of the third year. Students not respecting this schedule are automatically transferred to the EAS M.S. program